Annapoorne Visalakshi

By Ravi Varma Press -, Public Domain,

Annapoorne Visalakshi

Ragam: Sama, Talam: Adi, Composer: Muttuswamy Dikshitar

Nityaananda karii varaabhaya karii
Who always gives joy and the boon of fearlessness,
saundarya ratnaakarii
Who is a jewel that beautifies all she touches
Nirdhuutaakhila ghora paavana karii
Who purifies poisons and eases torment
Pratyakssa maaheshvarii
Who is the great goddess manifested before us
Praaleyaacala vamsha paavana karii
Who purified the dynasty in the snowy mountains
Kaashii puraadhiishvarii
Who rules the holy city of Kashi
Bhikshaam dehi krpaavalambana karii
Grant us the alms of your grace
Maata annapuurnnaeshvarii
O mother goddess annapoorna
Anna pūrṇē viśālākṣi rakṣa
O large-eyed annapurna, please protect me
Akhila bhuvana sākṣi kaṭākṣi
O viewer of the entire world, please spare a glance for me
Unnata Gartta Tira Viharini
You dwell in the storied arrow canyon (kuzhikkarai)
Omkarini Duritaadi Nivaarini
You are the embodiment of the "Om" mantra, you ward off all evils
Pannagabharana Raajni Puraani
You are the ancient beloved of the snake-adorned god (Shiva)
Paramesvara Visvesvara Bhaasvari
You are the light of the lord of the world (Shiva)'s existence
Pāyasānna pūrita māṇikya -
You hold a gem-encrusted vessel containing payasam (sweet rice and milk dish)
Pātra hēma darvī vidhṛta karē
And a golden spoon in the other hand
Kāyajādi rakṣaṇa nipuṇa-tarē
You are skilled at offering protection to those, like Cupid, who need it
Kāñcana-maya bhūṣaṇāmbara dharē
You are adorned with golden jewels and silk
Tōyajāsanādi sēvita parē
You are served by the gods like the lotus seated one (Brahma).
Tumburu nāradādi nuta varē
You are praised by the sages like Tumburu and Narada.
Trayātīta mōkṣa prada caturē
Your wisdom allows you to offer salvation beyond the trinity's limits
Tripada śōbhita guru guha sādarē
You are revered by Guru Guha (her son/composer's name) who shines in triad

श्लोका :
नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी

अन्न पूर्णे विशालाक्षि रक्ष
अखिल भुवन साक्षि कटाक्षि

उन्नत गर्त तीर विहारिणि
ओंकारिणि दुरितादि निवारिणि
पन्नगाभरण राज्ञि पुराणि
परमेश्वर विश्वेश्वर भास्वरि

पायसान्न पूरित माणिक्य – -
पात्र हेम दर्वी विधृत करे
कायजादि रक्षण निपुण-तरे
काञ्चन-मय भूषणाम्बर धरे
तोयजासनादि सेवित परे
तुम्बुरु नारदादि नुत परे
त्रयातीत मोक्ष प्रद चतुरे
त्रिपद शोभित गुरु गुह सादरे

Cobbled together from various internet sources: and translationsofsomesongsofcarnaticmusic and prabhusponderand edited further by Shankari and Kalyanaraman.