Srirangapura Vihara

  1. By Unknown author - at the British Museum, Public Domain,
  2. By DoktorMax - Own work, Public Domain,
  3. By Biswarup Ganguly, CC BY 3.0,

Srirangapura Vihara

Ragam: Brindavana Saranga, Talam: Rupakam, Composer: Muttuswami Dikshitar

Rangapura Vihara
O dweller of the town of Srirangam (Lord Vishnu)
Jaya Kodanda Raamaavataara Raghuvira Sri
Victory to Rama, your avatar who wields the bow Kodanda
Angaja Janaka Deva Brndavana
O creator of Angaja (Cupid), protector of celestials
Saarangendra Varada Ramanta Ranga
Who granted a boon to the lord of elephants, and is beloved of Lakshmi
Shyamalaanga Vihanga Turanga
Skin dark as the stormy skies, riding atop the eagle Garuda
Sadayapanga satsanga
Your glance is filled with mercy and grace
Pankajaptakula Jalanidhi Soma
Descended from the sun, you are the moon to the ocean
Vara Pankaja Mukha Pattabhirama
With a face glowing like a lotus bloom, a crown upon your brow
Pankaja Jitakama Raghurama
My desires disappear at your lotus feet, o descendant of Raghu, Rama
Vaamaanka Gata Sitavara Vesha
You appear with Queen Sita, your wife, seated on your left
Seshaanka Shayana Bhakta Santhosha
Reclining on the cosmic serpent Sesha, you bring joy to your devotees
Enaanka ravi nayana Mrudutara bhaasha Aka
Your eyes are the sun and moon, your voice is soft and gentle
Akalanka Darpana Kapola Visesha
Your blemishless cheeks are as smooth as mirrors
Muni Sankata Harana
You remove the sorrows of the sages
Govinda Venkata Ramana Mukunda Sankarshana
Govinda! Venkata Ramana! Mukunda! Sankarshana!
Mula Kanda
You are the origin, the root and the trunk of all existence
Sankara Guruguhananda
You bring joy to Lord Shiva and to Guruguha (Shiva's son/composer's pen name)

Cobbled together from various internet sources: and guru-guha and edited further by Shankari, Manonmani and Jayalakshmi.